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When using OpenDC, an experiment defines what should be run, and how. An experiment consists of one or more scenarios, each defining a different simulation to run. Scenarios can differ in many things, such as the topology that is used, the workload that is run, or the policies that are used to name a few. An experiment is defined using a JSON file. In this page, we will discuss how to properly define experiments for OpenDC.


All code related to reading and processing Experiment files can be found here

The code used to run a given experiment can be found here


The schema for the scenario file is provided in schema In the following section, we describe the different components of the schema. Some components of an experiment are not single values, but lists. This is used to run multiple scenarios using a single experiment file. OpenDC will execute all permutations of the different values. This means that if all list based values have a single value, only one Scenario will be run.

namestringno""Name of the scenario, used for identification and referencing.
outputFolderstringno"output"Directory where the simulation outputs will be stored.
initialSeedintegerno0Seed used for random number generation to ensure reproducibility.
runsintegerno1Number of times the scenario should be run.
exportModelsList[ExportModel]noDefaultSpecifications for exporting data from the simulation.
computeExportConfigComputeExportConfignoDefaultThe features that should be exported during the simulation
maxNumFailuresList[integer]no[10]The max number of times a task can fail before being terminated.
topologiesList[Topology]yesN/AList of topologies used in the scenario.
workloadsList[Workload]yesN/AList of workloads to be executed within the scenario.
allocationPoliciesList[AllocationPolicy]yesN/AAllocation policies used for resource management in the scenario.
failureModelsList[FailureModel]noDefaultList of failure models to simulate various types of failures.
checkpointModelsList[CheckpointModel]nonullPaths to carbon footprint trace files.
carbonTracePathsList[string]nonullPaths to carbon footprint trace files.

Many of the input fields of the experiment file are complex objects themselves. Next, we will describe the required input type of each of these fields.


exportIntervalInt64no300The duration between two exports in seconds


The features that should be exported by OpenDC

hostExportColumnsList[String]noAll featuresThe features that should be exported to the host output file.
taskExportColumnsList[String]noAll featuresThe features that should be exported to the task output file.
powerSourceExportColumnsList[String]noAll featuresThe features that should be exported to the power source output file.
serviceExportColumnsList[String]noAll featuresThe features that should be exported to the service output file.


Defines the topology on which the workload will be run.


For more information about the Topology go here

pathToFilestringyesN/APath to the JSON file defining the topology.


Defines the workload that needs to be executed.


For more information about workloads go here

pathToFilestringyesN/APath to the file containing the workload trace.
typestringyesN/AType of the workload (e.g., "ComputeWorkload").

Allocation Policy

Defines the allocation policy that should be used to decide on which host each task should be executed


The different allocation policies that can be used can be found here

policyTypestringyesN/AType of allocation policy.


The failure model that should be used during the simulation See FailureModels for detailed instructions.


The checkpoint model that should be used to create snapshots.

checkpointIntervalInt64no3600000The time between checkpoints in ms
checkpointDurationInt64no300000The time to create a snapshot in ms
checkpointIntervalScalingDoubleno1.0The scaling of the checkpointInterval after each succesful checkpoint. The default of 1.0 means no scaling happens.


In the following section, we discuss several examples of Scenario files. Any scenario file can be verified using the JSON schema defined in schema.


The simplest scneario that can be provided to OpenDC is shown below:

"topologies": [
"pathToFile": "topologies/topology1.json"
"workloads": [
"type": "ComputeWorkload",
"pathToFile": "traces/bitbrains-small"
"allocationPolicies": [
"policyType": "Mem"

This scenario creates a simulation from file topology1, located in the topologies folder, with a workload trace from the bitbrains-small file, and an allocation policy of type Mem. The simulation is run once (by default), and the default name is "".


Following is an example of a more complex topology:

"topologies": [
"pathToFile": "topologies/topology1.json"
"pathToFile": "topologies/topology2.json"
"pathToFile": "topologies/topology3.json"
"workloads": [
"pathToFile": "traces/bitbrains-small",
"type": "ComputeWorkload"
"pathToFile": "traces/bitbrains-large",
"type": "ComputeWorkload"
"allocationPolicies": [
"policyType": "Mem"
"policyType": "Mem-Inv"

This scenario runs a total of 12 experiments. We have 3 topologies (3 datacenter configurations), each simulated with 2 distinct workloads, each using a different allocation policy (either Mem or Mem-Inv).