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OpenDC works with two types of traces that describe the servers that need to be run. Both traces have to be provided as parquet files.


The meta trace provides an overview of the servers:

idstringThe id of the server
submission_timeint64datetimeThe submission time of the server
durationint64datetimeThe finish time of the submission
cpu_countint32countThe number of CPUs required to run this server
cpu_capacityfloat64MHzThe amount of CPU required to run this server
mem_capacityint64MBThe amount of memory required to run this server


The Fragment file provides information about the computational demand of each server over time:

idstringThe id of the task
durationint64milli secondsThe duration since the last sample
cpu_countint32countThe number of cpus required
cpu_usagefloat64MHzThe amount of computational power required.