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M3SA is setup using a json file. The Multi-Model is a top-layer applied on top of the simulator, capable to leverage into a singular tool the prediction of multiple models. The Meta-Model is a model generated from the Multi-Model, and predicts using the predictions of individual models.

The Multi-Model's properties can be set using a JSON file. The JSON file must be linked to the scenario file and is required to follow the structure below.


The schema for the scenario file is provided in schema In the following section, we describe the different components of the schema.

General Structure

VariableTypeRequired?DefaultPossible AnswersDescription
multimodelbooleannotruetrue, falseWhether or not to build a Multi-Model. If set to false, a Meta-Model will not be computed either.
metamodelbooleannotruetrue, falseWhether to build a Meta-Model.
metricstringyesN/AN/AWhat metric to be analyzed from the computed files.
current_unitstringno""any string (e.g., "CO2", "Wh")The international system unit of the metric to be analyzed, without prefixes. e.g., "W" for Watt is ok, "kW" is not.
unit_scaling_magnitudeintegerno10-9, -6, -3, 1, 3, 6, 9The scaling factor to be applied to the metric (10^-9, 10^-6, 10^3, 10^3, 10^6, 10^9). For no scaling, input 1.
window_sizeintegerno1any positive, non-zero, integerThe size of the window, used for aggregating the chunks.
window_functionstringno"mean""mean", "median"The function used by the window for aggregating the chunks (e.g., for "mean", the window will compute the mean of the samples).
meta_functionstringno"mean""mean", "median"The function used by the Meta-Model to be generated. For "mean", the Meta-Model takes the mean of the individual models, at the granularity established by the window-size.
samples_per_minutedoublenoN/Aany positive, non-zero, doubleThe number of samples per minute, in the prediction data (simulator export rate). e.g., "0.2" means 1 sample every 5 minutes, "20" means a 20 samples per minute, or 1 sample every 3 seconds.
seedintegerno0any integer >= 0The seed of the simulation. This must correspond to the seed from the output folder (from seed=x).
plot_typestringno"time_series""time_series", "cumulative", "cumulative_time_series"The type of the plot, generated by the Multi-Model and Meta-Model.
plot_titlestringno""any stringThe title of the plot.
x_ticks_countintegernoNoneany integer, larger than 0The number of ticks on x-axis.
y_ticks_countintegernoNoneany integer, larger than 0The number of ticks on y-axis.
x_labelstringno"Time"any stringThe label for the x-axis of the plot.
y_labelstringno"Metric Unit"any stringThe label for the y-axis of the plot.
y_mindoublenoNoneany positive, non-zero, doubleThe minimum value for the vertical axis of the plot.
y_maxdoublenoNoneany positive, non-zero, doubleThe maximum value for the vertical axis of the plot.
x_mindoublenoNoneany positive, non-zero, doubleThe minimum value for the horizontal axis of the plot.
x_maxdoublenoNoneany positive, non-zero, doubleThe maximum value for the horizontal axis of the plot.


In the following section, we discuss several examples of M3SA setup files. Any setup file can be verified using the JSON schema defined in schema.


The simplest M3SA setup that can be provided to OpenDC is shown below:

"metric": "power_draw"

This configuration creates a Multi-Model and Meta-Model on the power_draw. All the other parameters are handled by the default values, towards reducing the complexity of the setup.


A more complex M3SA setup, where the user has more control on teh generated output, is show below:

"multimodel": true,
"metamodel": false,
"metric": "carbon_emission",
"window_size": 10,
"window_function": "median",
"metamodel_function": "mean",
"samples_per_minute": 0.2,
"unit_scaling_magnitude": 1000,
"current_unit": "gCO2",
"seed": 0,
"plot_type": "cumulative_time_series",
"plot_title": "Carbon Emission Prediction",
"x_label": "Time [days]",
"y_label": "Carbon Emission [gCO2/kWh]",
"x_min": 0,
"x_max": 200,
"y_min": 500,
"y_max": 1000,
"x_ticks_count": 3,
"y_ticks_count": 3

This configuration creates a Multi-Model and a Meta-Model which predicts the carbon_emission. The window size is 10, and the aggregation function (for the window) is median. The Meta-Model function is mean. The data has been exported at a rate of 0.2 samples per minute (i.e., a sample every 5 minutes). The plot type is cummulative_time_series, which starts from a y-axis value of 500 and goes up to 1000. Therefore, the Multi-Model and the Meta-Model will show only the values greater than y_min (500) and smaller than y_max (1000). Also, the x-axis will start from 0 and go up to 200, with 3 ticks on the x-axis and 3 ticks on the y-axis.